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Chopinisms are an ever growing collection of memorable quotes from Cornelius Chopin or others that I have placed my own "twist" on that will inspire you, comfort your heart and may even make you laugh. There is a story behind many of these quotes based on my life experiences.

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The Ultimate Chopinisms:

In response to several people telling me “Cornelius, I wish I were like you." I would often ask them, "Why do you want to be like me?" So, I came up with the ultimate Chopinism that goes like this:

“If you were me and
if I were you,
I would not be me, and
you would not be you.
You would be me, and
I would be you.
So don’t be like me,
be like you.
And let me be me so that
you can be you.
and let me be the best me
that I can be.
Do you see?”

While attending a "lunch and learn" session at a local company, someone in the class said, "You only know what you know!" I thought about what he said for a long time and received the following revelation:

“You only know what you know! So if you think you know a lot, you may actual know a little and don’t know it. So don’t deceive yourself about what you think you know because you may not know as much as you think you know. It is not until you find out what other people know that you can know what you know. Do you know?"

For example, if you ask someone if he knows Photoshop and on a scale between 1 and 10 rated himself a 9. Then you ask if he knows what a Layer Mask or an Alpha Channel is and he said, "No, I don't". Then, he doesn’t know Photoshop well because he cannot be proficient in Photoshop and not know these terms.

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