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"Just because you CAN, does not mean that you SHOULD, and does not mean that you COULD." For example, just because the speed limit is posted at 70 mph on the interstate highway, doesn't mean that you should go 70 mph or that you could go 70 mph because of rush traffic or weather condition.

"How many of you would rather be here than the best hospital or mental institution in the state of Texas or Louisiana — let me see your hand." This is a quote I made at my wedding. Many people complain about simple stuff in life and don't realize how blessed they are.

"Many people spend too much time watching and funding other people's dreams and never fulfill their own. This is a quote my wife often tells people.

"Motion is relative to the observer." Someone told me that I was moving too fast. I told him that motion is relative to the observer. Then, I gave the example of a car going 60 mph down my street that appears to be going fast. Yet, an airplane going 600 mph in the air appears to be going slow.

"The rich despises the poor. The poor despises the rich." The rich thinks poor people are lazy. The poor thinks rich people are greedy.  And the middle class despises them both.  While there is some truth to this, it is not always the case.

"Somethings in life you don't like to do–you just get to do them."  I don't like paying taxes, but I get to do it. I don't like washing dishes, but I get to do it.

Some people are quick to say "It is was it is." However, somethings "is what it is because we let it be what it is." For example, some people don't do good in school and then blame their circumstances on the phrase "it is was it is,"  However, if they had done better in school is may not be what it is.

I heard of two siblings not talking to one other because they disagreed with who should be a candidate for a political party. Then, I thought to myself how stupid is that they would not communicate with one other because of their difference. So I came up with a Chopinism: “You don’t have to divide because you disagree.”

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