"Get the best for less and forget the rest." I have held to this philosophy since the beginning of my marriage. If possible, avoid buying stuff (e.g. furniture) that you have to buy again. It is better to get a piece of furniture that will last a long time than to have to buy a replacement years later that costs more. Learn the art of negotiation.
"The more you learn, the more you MAY earn." This is not always true, but it increases your chances of being successful.
"It takes money to SAVE money." Many of us have heard the adage, “It takes money to make money.” Well, I would like to extend this adage by saying, “It takes money to SAVE money.“ For example, if you can afford to install solar panels on your house, you can save a lot of money by not having to pay for electricity like most people.
"Low to no maintenance." When purchasing things for your home, car, etc. think about the long-term cost of maintenance instead of just the initial cost. For example, instead of planting roses that have to be regularly cared for by spraying insecticide and trimming old roses, purchase crepe myrtle instead.
"Invest in yourself." Many infomercials want you to invest in silver and gold. I say invest in yourself first.
"Just because you MAKE a lot of money, does not mean you have to WASTE a lot of money." I see too many people with more money than brains.
"Transition from the LEARNING mode to the EARNING mode." Drop the "L" off of learning and move into the earning mode. Too often, many people are lifelong learners but not lifelong earners. While that is fine, you need to take what you have learned and become lifelong Earners. To paraphrase another phrase, "the more you learn should mean the more you earn."
"I am convinced there is no shortage of money—there is a shortage of common sense." I have learned from experience, it is not how much money someone makes or doesn’t make, it’s what they do with it. Don't live above your means; otherwise, you will live out the quote, "When your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep becomes your downfall."
"Money buys influence whether good or bad." Money is not the root of all evil. It is the "love" of money that is the root of all evil.
"Take care of your HEALTH, or you may not enjoy your WEALTH." After I had a quadruple bypass open heart surgery at age 52, several people want me to formulate a Chopinism from what I experienced.