"Don’t relearn what you already know." Focus your attention on new ideas, concepts, applications, etc.
We are all given 24 hours in a day. Hence, you cannot make more
time; however, you can free up the time that you have. So you can:
AUTOMATE, DELEGATE, and RELEGATE things in your life.
• AUTOMATE things around your home and work.
• DELEGATE things to others, if you can.
• RELEGATE (banish) things you don't have to do (waste time: e.g., TV).
Relegate (verb) - to consign or dismiss to an inferior rank or position.
"If you don't know what to do, you will try a bit of everything." Many students have come to me after working on a project for hours (i.e., Photoshop) only to find out that I could fix what they did in a few minutes. How frustrating they become when seeing what I did and how long it took them! The problem was that they were trying to do everything they knew to do but without success or they did not know what to do.
"You need to TAKE TIME to MAKE TIME." Just as the adage for money goes, “It takes money to make money” so is the case for time.
"Define and then refine." Every time I teach the same class, I am constantly refining my notes that I defined the previous semesters. As teachers, our duty is to simplify a subject so that it can be easily remembered.
"Don't spend a lot of time on 'stuff' that you WANT to do and not enough time on 'stuff' that you NEED to do." There are a lot of things in our lives that we like that are good to do (e.g., exercise), however, don't let them distract you from doing things that you NEED to do (e.g., develop new skills, go back to school, get certified).
"Save time to make time." If you saved yourself 5 minutes an hour by being more efficient and conscience of your time, you will have created for yourself within a 12 hour day 1 hour, in a week 7 hours and in a year 52 hours. So in 52 years you would have created for yourself over a year of extra time in your life that you could use to do more productive things.