We are an Adobe Training Center located in Austin, Texas that offer instructor-led hands-on classroom training as well as "tailored" training for your company or at your company.
- "Budget for training just as you do for your utilities. You can't shut either off." — Bob Desatnick
- "The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage." — Arie de Geus
- "People are the common denominator of progress; no improvement is possible with unimproved people." — John Kenneth Galbraith
- "Training is to business what fertilizer is to farming." — Unknown [More quotes]
Avoid the "School of Hard Knocks" by getting formal training—The School of Hard Knocks is an idiomatic phrase meaning the (sometimes painful) education one gets from life's usually negative experiences, often contrasted with formal education. [Read more...]
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Learn the "Whys" not just the "How Tos"
While some students can learn from books and others from online training, there is no replacement for instructor-led training to bridge the knowledge gaps with the "Whys" and not the just the "How Tos" from an instructor that has years of experience as a Subject Matter Expert (SME). Many books and online resources don't give that personal touch when you have a question about a concept that you can not comprehend at that moment. If you know the "Whys" you can usually figure out the "How Tos" easier.
Obtain the experience you need for your future
Combining all three (books, online and instructor-led training) is called "BLENDED LEARNING" and is the most effective way of learning that provides a greater degree of retention. However, there is no substitute for experience. It takes years to become proficient at some applications or technologies (i.e., programming). However, many users take shortcuts that may cause short circuits over time. When you are well versed on a subject, you can "speak from experience."
Upgrade your skills too—not just your software!
Learn more so you can do more. Many designers/developers are busy with the daily cares of their jobs and usually don't have time to "come up to speed" on new applications by themselves. This usually results in building "90% complete bridges" with a 10% gap—not good to cross over. Let RMCS help you complete that 10% gap to get you over to the other side successfully.
Learn more so you can earn more
Someone once said that most people spent more time planning a two week vacation than they do their financial future. This hold true for learning new applications. It is a proven fact that the more you know the higher your potential are for earning more and creating a niche for yourself which makes you less vulnerable on your job to cutbacks. You should be striving to become a life long learner so that you can be more productive in your career. Learning more can help you secure your current job or help you obtain a better job.
Refine before you design
Take time to "sharpen the ax." Many users start using an application without first become proficient at it. Hence, they waste a lot of time doing tasks that could been done in less time if they knew more efficient ways of doing them. So, it is important to learn any major application or technology BEFORE you start using it. For example, you could spend three weeks learning to master CSS before you create your first CSS-based web site. As a result, you can save yourself not only time but frustration because you know the rules of cascading and inheritance that makes the process a lot easier to perform. When it come to training remind your manager—Why is it that we don't have time to do it right the first time but we do have time do to it over again?
Small class size means more attention you deserve
We keep a low teacher-to-students ratio by limiting our class size to six students so that each student can have more individual attention. Many training companies don't limit the number of students because they can make more money. However, too many students in a class, particularly with each having various skill sets, can dilute the amount of individual attention an instructor can give and reduce the student retention.
Learn real world examples and best practices
We show real world examples and acknowledge industry best practices. Many times, the easiest way of doing a task may not be the best way of doing it. For example, while you or your manager would not be able to determine the difference, "hardwiring" numbers in an application code may be EASIER, but it makes it HARDER to update and maintain. However, if you used dynamic variables, you would not even have to update your code again.
Obtain the knowledge you need to succeed
Many designers over estimate how much they "think" they know. For example, if you poll average designers to determine if they are proficient in Photoshop, many will say yes. However, if you poll the same group to determine if they know how to use Layer/Vector Masks, Clipping Masks, Alpha Channels, or Adjustment Layers effectively, many would say no. Why? many learners become over confident in what they think they know and waste a lot of time doing things in a less than an efficient manner costing them or their company time and money. RULE: If you DO NOT know what you are doing in Photoshop, it can be FRUSTRATING. If you DO know what you are doing, it can be FUN.
In a short training time (2-3 days), we don't expect you to become an expert, but hope to inspire you to become one.