ABC's of the RGB and CMYK Color Models

Executive Summary

The two major color model differences:

Color Model Colors Used How colors are created Resolution Used Used for
RGB 3 Primary Colors:
Red, Green, and Blue
Display devices EMIT light to display colors (additive) Low Resolution:
Typically 72 dpi or more
Display devices
(Computers, tablets, phones)
CMYK 4 Process Colors:
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black
Paper ABSORB light to display colors (subtractive)

High Resolution:
Typically 300 dpi or more

(Ink / Paint)

RGB Color Model

The RGB is an additive color model in which red, green, and blue light are added together to create an array of colors in the visible spectrum.
It is helpful to think of each color in the RGB color model as a dimmable spot light that can be turned on or off or dimmed against a wall in a dark room. For example:

  1. If all lights are turned off, the wall would be black
  2. If all lights are turned on, the wall would be white (see middle of screen-shot below where all lights intersect)
  3. If only one light is turned on, the wall would be that color
  4. If all of the lights are dimmed equally, the wall would be a shade of gray.
  5. If the lights are mixed as seen below:

While you can use a HEX color chart to ascertain the hex value of colors, it is good to learn know how write some of the more common color yourself.

NOTE: The values of the intensity of the light ranges from 0 to 9 and A to F; where 0 is off, F is FULLY ON, and all other values in between are PARTIALLY ON.

light(s) needed
How many color(s) HEX
Black & White Black 0 0 0 ALL lights are OFF in ALL channels 1 000000
White 255 255 255 ALL lights are FULLY ON in ALL channels 1 FFFFFF
Red, Green, Blue (RGB) Red 255 0 0 ONLY the RED light is FULLY ON 1 FF0000
Green 0 255 0 ONLY the GREEN light is FULLY ON 1 00FF00
Blue 0 0 255 ONLY the BLUE light is FULLY ON 1 0000FF
Cyan, Yellow, Magenta (CYM) Cyan 0 255 255 Lights are FULLY ON in the LAST TWO channels 1 00FFFF
Yellow 255 255 0 Lights are FULLY ON in the FIRST TWO channels 1 FFFF00
Magenta 255 0 255 Light are FULLY ON in the FIRST and LAST channel 1 FF00FF
Shades of Color Shades of Red 1-255 0 0 Lights are PARTIALLY ON in the RED channel. 255 Vary
Shades of Green 0 1-255 0 Lights are PARTIALLY ON in the GREEN channel. 255 Vary
Shades of Blue 0 0 1-255 Lights are PARTIALLY ON in the BLUE channel. 255 Vary
Shades of Gray Shades of
Same value Same value Same value SAME amount of light ON in ALL channels 16.7 M Vary
Array of Colors Other Colors Vary Vary Vary PARTIAL amount of light ON or OFF in ALL channels 16.7 M Vary


NOTE: Each channel is measured using decimal numbers from 0 to 255 (256 total). A total of 16.7 million colors can be displayed (e.g., 256 x 256 x 256 = 16.7 different colors using all three channels). RGB colors can also be represented by HEX values. See next topic for details.

Don't Be Vex By Hex (For Geeks only)

The Hexadecimal (Hex for short) format is used by the web (e.g., HTML, XML, CSS, SVG) and other applications to represent colors. Each HEX number is represented by values between 0-16 (using 0-9 and A-F)

F 15
E 14
D 13
C 12
B 11
A 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0


A HEX color code is a six digit hexadecimal number based on the three RGB byte channels. Each byte represents a decimal notation number between 0 to 255. However, in hexadecimal notation, the range is 00 (no light) to FF (full light) for each channel color. A hexadecimal codes starts with a hash tag:

#FF0000  |  FF = Red, 00 = Green, and 00 = Blue | RESULT: RED

Converting RGB to HEX

To convert a RGB value to a HEX value, all you need to do is DIVIDE each RGB color channel by 16 to get the quotient for the first number and ADD the remainder for the second number for each color channel. For example, if we want to convert the RGB value of 55, 160, 229 to a Hex value, do this:

R = 55 / 16 = 3 with a remainder of  7  | RESULT: 37
G = 160 / 16 = 10 with a remainder of 0  |  Remember, 10 = A in hexadecimal, see chart above  | RESULT: A0
B = 229 / 16 = 14 with a remained of 5  |  Remember, 14 = E in hexadecimal, see chart above  | RESULT: E5

55, 160, 229 in RGB becomes #37A0E5 in HEX

RGB TO HEX converter:

Converting HEX to RGB

To convert a HEX value RGB to a value, all you need to do is MULTIPLE the quotients by 16 and ADD the remainders for each color channel. For example, if we want to convert the HEX code #37A0E5 to a RGB value, do this:

R = 3 x 16 + 7 = 55
G = 10 x 16 + 0 = 160  |  Remember, 10 = A in hexadecimal, see chart above
B = 14 x 16 + 5 = 229  |  Remember, 14 = E in hexadecimal, see chart above

#37A0E5 in HEX becomes (55, 160, 229) in RGB

CMYK Color Model

The CMYK is an subtractive color model in which cyan, magenta, yellow, and black process colors are subtracted because the inks "subtract" red, green, and blue (rgb) from white light by reducing the amount of light that would be reflected. For example:

  1. white light minus red leaves cyan
  2. white light minus green leaves magenta
  3. white light minus blue leaves yellow

In the CMYK model, white is the natural paper color or background, while black is created from a full mixture of colored inks.

Link to excerpted video from on CMYK.

Why use CMYK for Print

While merging red, green and blue can create all colors, display devices can only display a limited range of those colors. So, for PRINT RGB is converted to CMYK.

While some printers can accept RGB colors, they will be converted to the CMYK spectrum but will not have accurate color printed.