Android Tips, Techniques and Theory

PART 1: Creating Content with XML with Android Studio (No programming required)

With Simple Recipes

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Layout Editor and Types

Layout Editor

The Layout Editor allows you to type or drag-and-drop UI components from the Palette panel to create XML code that can then be edited either in Design (Graphical) or Text (XML) that can be previewed on multiple screen sizes and devices.  It also offers localization support by changing the locale property in the Preview panel (e.g., Left-to-right (LTR) or Right-to-left (RTL)).

Layout Types

Layouts are top-level containers for components or other layouts that are available in two main types (Linear and Relative). However, there a few other layouts that are used.

TIP: Look at the icons in the screenshot below to “see” how components are layout.


RelativeLayout is the most versatile layout type. It is where children components are aligned “RELATIVE” to its parent’s center or edge, other sibling components or both that allows more freedom to where components can be positioned based on attributes:

Design View:

XML View:


The relative is divided into four quadrants. Components can be aligned within one of these quadrants:

  1. Top / Left 
  2. Top / Right
  3. Bottom / Left
  4. Bottom / Right


Any components can be pinned directly to any one of these quadrant’s corner. These have NO margin attributes:

In the example below, the component is being pinned to the top and left. It could be pinned to any one of the other three "corners" as well.

If you look at the xml file you see:

If you drag a component away from a corner, you can unpin it from one or both quadrant side. In which case, you will have additional margin attributes applied.

If you look at the xml file you see:

You can also align a component to the horizontal or vertical center.

If you create one component and then create another component and align it below the first one and then move the first one, they both will move in unison. But if you move the second component the first one doesn't move because it was not tied to the first.


The next important type of layout is the LineareLayout. LinearLayout is where children components are aligned in a “LINE” either horizontally or vertically after the previous component in a SINGLE row or SINGLE column. In the absent of an orientation attribute, a linear layout will default to horizontal. To make the orientation vertical set the orientation to vertical (e.g., android:orientation: “vertical”). The Linear Layout is best used when you want to layout your components as mentioned earlier in a SINGLE row or a SINGLE column.

Horizontal—Components are positioned from left-to-right in the order they are written in the *.xml file. Another way of stating this is that sections are divided into horizontal PANES and you CANNOT place components BELOW each other.

Vertical—Components are positioned from top-to-bottom in the order they are written in the *.xml file.  Another way of stating this is that the sections are divided into vertical PANES and you CANNOT place components BESIDES each other.

NOTE: Same as above except orientation is changed to vertical (e.g., android:orientation="vertical">)

NOTE: For either horizontal or vertical layout, the order can be changed by dragging the component in the Design View or rearranging the component elements in the Text View.

In the Linear Layout, there are four attributes that can be used:

android: gravity layout

Within a screen, if it is a horizontal layout, the gravity attribute will align a component left, center or right horizontal within a given section.

Within a screen, if it is a vertical layout, the gravity attribute will align a component top, center or bottom vertical within a given section.

android: gravity

Android Studio does not have a border property and padding and margin are exactly the same as CSS so they will not be discussed. (See online resources like w3school for detail). However, it is important to remember that if you add padding around a component, it will increase that size of the component bounding box which will make it clickable if you add a click handler or click listener to it. This is a great way to increase the area of a component to make it more clickable.

The concept of gravity is unique to Android Studio. Gravity is an attribute that is used to define an object PLACEMENT INSIDE of its parent container. While padding and margin work with an object bounding area, gravity determines how objects “floatINSIDE the bounding area of its parent container. This is somewhat similar to the float attribute in HTML where you can float an element to the left or right. Gravity is typically used with another attribute called layout_gravity in a child View of a LinearLayout. Most values are self-explanatory:

While the android:layout_gravity attribute is used for the entire screen, the android:gravity attribute is used to layout content with a component dimension (height and width) not the screen. For example, if you create a Text View with a height and width of 200dp, you can then align the Text View content (text) WITHIN the Text View bounding area of its height and width. It does matter if its parent layout is horizontal or vertical, it will still be based on the component gravity not the screen gravity. To align to any corner (e.g., top/right), use multiple attributes separated by the pipe symbol (|): Gravity: top | right, bottom | left, center | right.

android: weight

Another property of the LinearLayout is the weight property is used to assign a "weight" percentage to a layout. It determines how the space is SHARED between components and the SIZE of the components.

android: weightSum

android: weightSum—When using weightSum, you don't want to use a height or width property, so you need to set the height or width to zero depending on whether the layout is horizontal or vertical. The sum of the parts should add to 1 (e.g., .25, .25, .5).


weightSum: 3 (in Linear Layout element)

layout_weight:1 (for 1st component)

layout_weight:1 (for 2nd component)

layout_weight:1 (for 3rd component)

Without width attribute NOT CHANGED in all three components, there is no different.

With the width attribute set to zero in all three components:

If you change the weightSum to 5:


Frame layout is the easiest of all of the layout. It can hold a SINGLE view. However, other component can be overlaid on top of it. It is best used for images with caption text.

FrameLayout is where children components are “STACKED” relative to the top-left corner. The order of the children components are important when using the gravity settings and UI components may overlap. It is typically used to block out an area of the screen so that a single object can be displayed.

Table / Row

Table layout uses a grid-based layout of rows and columns similar to an HTML or MS Word table.

TableLayout is where children components are “PLACED” in table-like rows or columns with each row requiring a TableRow element.


GridLayout is where children components are placed in a 2-D rectangular “GRID.” This is not to be confused with the GridView which will be discussed later.

Nested Layouts

You can also “nest” one or more layouts inside of a main layout to obtain that overall desired layout you wish.

EXAMPLE: Nested Layout:

Add First Layout:

Layout with XML

While you probably will want to use the Layout Editor, there may be times when you want to write your own layout manually in the Text View.

Below is a list of things that you need to pay attention to: