How to Define a Custom Brush  or Shape

While Phtoshop comes with a variety of Brush Stroke, there are occasions where you want to create your own.

Create Custom Brush Stroke

  1. Select File > New... from menu and set the following parameters and then click OK:
    1. Name: Light Streak
    2. Height and Width: 150px
    3. Resolution: 100ppi
  2. Create new blank layer
  3. Select Brush tool and select a small round brush (i.e., 13)
  4. Click Brush option icon in the Object Bar and set the following fields for Shape Dynamics:
    1. Size Jitter: 100%
    2. Control: Off
  5. Set Foreground color to Black Add a few circles with brush tool (about 10) in center of stage
  6. With layer selected, transform (CTRL+T) cirlces to ovals
  7. Click on the Lock Transpareny icon in the Layer Panel
  8. Apply a Rainbow Gradient to layer (Will show only in ovals)
  9. Select Image > Adjustment > Desatuate to remove color (except for black, white and gray)
  10. Select Levels (CTRL+L) and move black and while markers in the Input Levels inward toward center to make a little more contrast between the black, white and gray.
  11. Click OK.
    NOTE: When creating a brush, black will be 100% opaque, white will be 100% transparent and different color of gray will be different degrees of transparency.

Saving Brush Stroke

  1. Select Edit > Define Brush Preset and give it a name (i.e., Light Streak Brush)

NOTE: If you select the brush tool again, you will notice that the brush was added to the end of the brush pallette.

Create Custom Shape

To create your own custom shape requires a two step process: First, CREATE a shape, using Abode Illustrator and import it into Photoshop or Use the Type tool to insert a custom font (i.e., symbol or dingbat) symbol and then select Layer > Type > Convert to Shape. Secondly, DEFINE the shape by selecting Edit > Define Custom Shape to save it.