While there are many shortcut keys that can be used in Adobe Illustrator, the ones in this tutorial were selected because of several tasks that are done in most projects:
Cut/Copy/Paste/Select All/Undo/Redo | Colorize Artwork (e.g., Color / Gradient) | Control Text (e.g., Size, Kerning, Tracking, Leading) |
Use common tools (e.g., Type, Rectangle, Ellipse, etc.) | Arrange Artwork (Move forward/backward) | Control Artboard |
Group/Mask Artwork | Duplicate & Step-and-Repeat Artwork | And other useful shortcuts/tasks |
There are several time-saving benefits of using shortcuts:
Using shortcuts will also help you by not having to use the Layers panel to perform certain tasks (e.g., lock/unlock layers, arrange layers, show/hide layers, etc.)
Depending on how you work and how verse you are with Adobe Illustrator will depend on which of these shortcuts you will wish to remember and use. For example, you may never use the Perspective Grid Tool; however, you may alway have to create Clipping Masks and Compound Paths, so it would be best to remember the above shortcuts for them.
It is important to note that many of these shortcuts are the same as other Adobe applications like Photoshop, After Effect, and Animate as well as other applications. Having prior knowledge of these shortcuts is referred to as transferable skills—once you LEARN them in one application, you don't have to RELEARN them again. After all is said and done, there is about:
IMPORTANT NOTE: There are only a few differences between Mac and PC keys. The major ones include the following:
The CMD/CTRL | ALT/OPTION and SHIFT key are modifier keys that are used in many of the shortcuts. Knowing their functions will help you remember which ones to use.
You can use a COMBINATION of shortcuts in your work flow to speed up the process. For example, one of the most popular technique that is used by many designers is to duplicate an artwork by holding down the ALT/OPTION key and drag out a copy of the artwork and then press the CMD/CTRL + D key to do a step-and-repeat process.
Most SHORTCUT COMMAND OR CONTROL that use TWO KEYS usually start with the CMD/CTRL key with a few EXCEPTIONS highlighted in red and in bold. So, just remember these few exceptions and you know everything else will start with CMD/CTRL.
While shortcuts are major timesavers, there is something that is FASTER to use than shortcuts — the right-click or control-click to select a command or control from a menu. For example, instead of using CMD/CTRL + 7 for creating a Clipping Mask or CMD/CTRL + 8 for creating a Compound Path, it's best to right-click or control-click and select Make Clipping Mask or Compound Path from the menu without every having to hold down multiple keys.
The bottom line is that you should FIRST right-click or control-click to learn what commands or controls are available to you and use them and if they are not available then use shortcuts and if shortcuts are not available use the main menu as a last resort.
These are common shortcuts used by ALL applications. So if you know them, you can skip this section.
Cut/Copy/Paste | CMD/CTRL + X/C/V NOTE: These keys are next to one another on the keyboard. |
Select All | CMD/CTRL + A | Add SHIFT key to DESELECT everything that was selected except locked artwork. |
Undo | CMD/CTRL + Z | Add SHIFT key to REDO |
New Document | CMD/CTRL + N |
Save Document | CMD/CTRL + S | Add SHIFT key to SAVE AS |
Print Document | CMD/CTTL + P |
These tools are used a lot in Adobe Illustrator. Notice that most tools use:
Tools that are similar or used together are grouped together (e.g., Direct Selection/Selection Tool).
TIP: If you double-click on most of the tools, you will open its settings dialog box, panel, or
Type Tool | T |
Ellipse/Rectangle Tool | L/M TIP: Notice these two tools are in alphabetically order: L M |
Direct Selection/Selection Tool | A/V TIP: Hold down the CMD/CTRL key to switch between these two tools. |
Pencil Tool | N |
Pen Tool | P |
Rotate/Scale Tool | R/S |
Reflect Tool | O TIP: Think of a O with a line down the middle that is being reflected |
PaintBrush Tool | B TIP: Think of the B in PaintBrush |
Hand Tool | H |
Eyedropper | I NOTE: Can be used to pick a color from a shape, an image, or a gradient |
Free Transform Tool | E |
Scissors Tool | C TIP: Think of the C for Cut for the scissor |
Zoom In Tool | Z | Add ALT/OPTION key to Zoom Out |
Blend Tool | W TIP: Think of the four strokes in the W being blended together |
Line Segment Tool | \ (Back slash (\) NOT forward slash (/). TIP: Think of slash (\) as a literal line segment |
Mesh Tool | U |
Magic Wand | Y |
Lasso | Q |
Live Paint Bucket | K |
Column Graph | J |
Artboard Tool | SHIFT + O NOTE: Use to resize or create new artboard |
Shape Builder Tool | SHIFT + M |
Eraser Tool | SHIFT + E |
Blob Brush Tool | SHIFT + B |
Width Tool | SHIFT + W |
Perspective Grid Tool | SHIFT + P |
Symbol Sprayer Tool | SHIFT + S |
Anchor Point Tool | SHIFT + C |
Now that we have reviewed most of the tools, without looking back at the training, see if you can quote all of the tools by going from A - Z in your mind and naming each one (eg., A for Selection Tool, B for PaintBrush, etc.).n
Click here for results
These tasks will save you time by not having to access them from a menu.
Send Backward selected Artwork | CMD/CTRL + [ | Add SHIFT key to Send Back |
Bring Forward selected Artwork | CMD/CTRL + ] | Add SHIFT key to Bring to Front |
Paste in Front after a Cut/Copy | CMD/CTRL + F (F for Front) |
Paste in Back after a Cut/Copy | CMD/CTRL + B (B for Back) |
These tasks will save you time by not having to access them from a menu.
Group Selected Artwork | CMD/CTRL + G | Add SHIFT key to UNGROUP |
Create Clipping Mask from selected Artwork | CMD/CTRL + 7 (or right-click or control-click and select Make Clipping Mask) | Add ALT/OPTION to release Clipping Mask |
Create Compound Path from selected Artwork | CMD/CTRL + 8 (or right-click or control-click and select Make Compound Path) | Add ALT/OPTION to release Compound Path |
Change to default Black and White | D |
Toggle Fill or Stroke Color | X | Add SHIFT key to APPLY Fill or Stroke Color |
Open Color Picker | Double-click on either the Fill or Stroke swatch. |
Open Gradient Panel | CMD/CTRL + F9 |
Open Stroke Panel | CMD/CTRL + F10 |
Add Fill Color, Gradient Color, or remove Color from Fill or Stroke | Comma (,), Period (.), and Slash (/). The comma will open the Color panel automatically. |
If you do typography a lot in Adobe Illustrator, these shortcuts will help you be more productive.
Open Character panel | CMD/CTRL + T |
Convert Text to Outline | CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + O |
Decrease/increase type size of selected text. | CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + < or > |
Decrease/Increase leading of selected text. | ALT/OPTION + UP/DOWN |
Decrease/Increase kerning or tracking of selected text. | ALT/OPTION + LEFT/RIGHT ARROW |
Align text left/center/right/justified of selected text. | CMD/CTRL + SHIFT L/C/R/J |
If you use multiple artboards, these shortcut will come in handy.
Show/Hide Artboards | CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + H |
Toggle Artboard Rulers | CMD/CTRL + R |
View All Artboards | CMD/CTRL + ALT/OPTION + 0 (zero) |
Lock selected artwork | CMD/CTRL + 2 | Add ALT/OPTION to UNLOCK |
Hide selected artwork | CMD/CTRL + 3 | Add ALT/OPTION to UNHIDE ALL |
Toggle Artwork Outline | CMD/CTRL + Y |
Access artwork that is hidden without out having to hide or move it. | CMD/CTRL + double-click to "drill" down to get to the artwork below. This is useful when working with drop shadows. |
These are other useful shortcuts/tasks that are performed in Adobe Illustrator
Select All Content In Layer (locked and invisible) | ALT/OPTION + click layer |
Hand Tool (Cannot be use when editing text) | SPACEBAR |
Zoom In | CMD/CTRL + SPACEBAR and click artboard with the left mouse button | Add ALT/OPTION key to ZOOM OUT (-) to get a TEMPORARY ZOOM. CMD/CTRL + +/- to zoom in and out just like with other applications and browsers. |
Fit to Window | Double-click on Hand Tool |
Zoom to 100% | Double-click on Zoom Tool |
Swap Selection or Direction Selection Tool | CMD/CTRL |
Move Selected Objects 10 Pixels | SHIFT + arrow keys. This also work when changing font size, stroke size, etc. |
Select Multiple Objects | SHIFT + click TIP: Select all artwork & then hold down SHIFT key to DESELECT artwork not wanted. |
Duplicate an Object | ALT/OPTION + drag out a duplicate |
Scale Proportionally | With Selection Tool active, press SHIFT + drag a corner of an artwork. |
Toggle Between Screen Modes (Normal, Full w/ & w/o menu) | F | Add SHIFT to enter Presentation Mode NOTE: The TAB key can also be used to toggle between these modes. |
Save for Web and Devices | CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + ALT/OPTION + S |
Step-and-Repeat | CMD/CTRL + D (After a copy and transformation is made) |
Open Preferences Dialog Box | CMD/CTRL + K |
Import (Place ) an image into the document | CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + p |
Show Transparency | CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + D |
Apply Last Effect to another object | CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + F |