Web/Mobile Related Technologies
Resource: https://www.w3schools.com/whatis/default.asp
What is a Full Stack Developer?
A full stack developer is someone that knows all processes, or at least had experience in most used programming languages, techniques and computer science areas. But that does not mean he is an expert in all of them.

- HTML > HTML 4 > HTML 5
- Web Design > Dreamweaver > Muse
- CSS Typography > CSS Typography > CSS Box Model > CSS FlexBox > CSS Grid > CSS Positioning > CSS Animation > CSS Preprocessors
- JavaScript > jQuery > jQuery UI > jQueryMobile > JSON > AngularJS
- Responsive Design > Media Queries > Bootstrap > jQueryMobile
- Photoshop > Photoshop Text Effects > Photoshop Layers/Masks/Selections > Photoshop Special Effect
- Illustrator > Custom Shapes > Pen tool > Illustrator 3D
- Animation > Flash > CSS > jQuery > GSAP > HTML 5 using Adobe Animate
- Server-side Technology > ASP/ASP.NET > PHP > COLDFUSION > JSP
- Programming > Sequential > Procedural > Object Oriented Programming
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP) > ActionScript > JavaScript
- Learning Management System (LMS) > Captivate
- Mobile App Development > PhoneGap Build > Flash Builder > Android Studio > Xcode
- E-book > InDesign > Calibre
- Accessibility > Acrobat Pro > Livecycle > JAWS
- Database > SQL > PHPMyAdmin
- Mobile App Native Languages > Java > Swift
- 3D > Illustrator 3D > Fuse > Blender > 3D Studio Max
- Video > Camtasia > Premiere Pro > After Effects >
- Audio > Audition
- Advanced Photoshop > Photoshop Retouching > Photoshop Blending
What can you do with Dreamweaver?
- HTML/HTML5 (HTML Templates)
- CSS (Typography, Styles, Transitions, Animations)
- JavaScript
- JavaScript Libraries (BootStrap, jQuery Mobile, jQuery UI)
- Programming (PHP, JSON, PHP Templates)
- CSS Preprocessos (LESS, SCSS, SASS, STYLUS)
- Connect to Database
- Connect to GitHub
- Server Behaviors
Also, most of the technologies mentioned above can be done using Dreamweaver.
Making money from digital media:
- Web Sites/Web Apps
- Mobile Apps (e.g., Android / iOS )
- E-book (e.g., EPUB / Mobi)
- Blogging (e.g., SME Blogging)
- Advertising (e.g., AdWords, etc.)
- Online Training (e.g., Lynda.com, Udemy.com, etc.)
- Online Video Advertising (e.g., YouTube)
- Social Media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
- Content Management Systems (CMS) (e.g., WordPress, Drupal, Joomla)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Most web technologies revolves about three major technologies (HTML, CSS and Code—JavaScript/jQuery/SQL)