Top Ten and Rules of Threes

Below are list of my top ten and rules of threes that works with most apps

Top Ten

These top ten concepts work across applications and technologies:

  1. Only what is selected gets affected by what you do next
  2. One by one not much fun—Learn to speed up your productivity
  3. One by one to see how it is done
  4. Children will inherit properties of their parents unless they define their own
  5. Nesting—Parent / Child relationship
  6. Look behind the scene to see what it means or look behind the curtain to see what is certain
  7. Everything is an object or container
  8. Objects have properties and containers “contain” things
  9. Define before you design
  10. Back it up before you jack it up

Rules of Threes

  1. Create an object
  2. Give it a name
  3. Tell it to do something
  1. Create IT
  2. Relate IT
  3. Populate IT
  1. Open
  2. Close
  3. Populate
  1. Copy
  2. Paste
  3. Update
  1. HTML (Presentation layer)
  2. CSS (Style layer)
  3. JavaScript (Behavior layer)
  1. cases
  2. spaces
  3. braces

(Later: Give example of each)