Working with Layers

Like selections, before we can start working with layers, we need to define what they are, how they can be created and what you can do with them.

It is helpful to think of layers as a form of mask as well, in that is shows, hides or protects the layer below it.

There are eleven different layer types. Most of them have an icon in the bottom-right corner denoting what type it is. Others have special thumbnails or mask/image.

  1. Bitmap - a pixel-based layer (e.g., photo)
  2. Vector/Shape - a vector-based layer (e.g., AI or custom drawing using vector-based toots like the Pen or Custom Shape Tootls)
  3. Text - a text-based layer using the Type Tools
  4. Grouped - two or more layers that are grouped together for better organization and maintenance
  5. Linked - two or more layers that are linked together so that the can be manipulate together
  6. Adjustment - a layer with an adjustment effect that affects all layers below it.
  7. Fill - a layer will a fill applied to it (e.g, Solid, Gradient, or Pattern)
  8. Smart Object - a layer that have been converted to a Smart Object
  9. Frame - a layer that contains a frame to insert a photo in it similar to adobe InDesign.
  10. Cloud - is a type of Smart Object that is cloud-based.
  11. Background - a special layer which is always located at the bottom of all other layers that is locked.

What are layers?

LAYERS are similar to acetate sheet (clear plastic film) stacked on top of one another so that:

How to Duplicate or Delete A Layer

There are five ways to DUPLICATE a layer with a layer selected in the Layer panel:

There are six SIMILAR ways to DELETE a layer with a layer selected in the Layers panel:

How to Create A Blank Layer

There are five ways to create a BLANK LAYER:

How to Create A Layer Automatically

Many layers are created AUTOMATICALLY when the following items are used or created:

What Can You Do With Regular Layers

There are so many things that you can do with layers. Below is a list of some of the most common things that you can do:

At the TOP of the Layers panel, you can:


Search Options

Blend, Opacity, Lock, and Fill Options

In the MIDDLE of the Layers panel, you can:

At the BOTTOM of the Layers panel, you can:

Using the Layers Panel Menus:

There are four menus that can be access in the Layer panels depending where you click:
NOTE: There are some overlapping menu options across these three menus.

Mini-menu at the top of the Layers panel.     Right-click on a selected layer                           


Right-click on the layer image thumbnail           

Right-click on the layer mask thumbnail   

In the MAIN MENU, you can:


What Can You Do With The Background Layer

The Background layer is a unique layer from the other layers in Photoshop. It behaves differently and you cannot do certain things to it.

You can; however, convert a Background into a layer by double-clicking on the Background name and renaming it or

You can also convert a layer to a Background by choosing Layer>New>Background From Layer at top of layer menu.