SYNTAX: $(“CSS selector”).fadeIn(speed), $(“CSS selector”).fadeOut(speed), and $(“CSS selector”).fadeToggle(speed)
There are three additional jQuery effects that are used by many developers/designers: fadeIn, fadeOut and fadeToggle. The fade methods change the opacity (not the visibility) of an object over time. Their functionalities (e.g., speed, toggle, etc.) works similar to the show/hide and toggle effects (See Show / Hide section for detail). However, unlike the show/hide and toggle methods which show or hide an object immediately if there is no speed value parameter, the fade methods will default to the slow speed value of 400 ms (0.4 second) which makes sense since you need TIME to fade an object in or out unlike the show / hide methods which can happen immediately.
There is a less common fade method called fadeTo that can be used as well (e.g., $("#myBox").fadeTo("slow", 0.25);). Unlike the show/hide and toggle methods, you MUST provide a specific fade between 0 and 1 (e.g., to make an object semi-transparent). The different with this method is that the object will retain is visual space even if the fadeTo is set to zero. In the previous example, if you did a fadeOut, the object would be removed from the page and other objects would take its place. The fadeTo method allows you to fade an HTML element PARTIALLY IN OR OUT making it semi-transparent.
The fadeTo method will change an object’s opacity regardless of whether the object is visible or invisible. For instance, you can fade a currently hidden object to 50% opacity or you can hide a semi-transparent object at 50% and then when you want it to reappear, it will reappear at the opacity it was set to. (VERIFY AND REWORD)