Look for a Tail-to-Head Relationship

You can associate some verses of scriptures by using the tail-to-head technique.  This technique is called tail-to-head because the “tail” of one line starts the “head” of the next line until it ends.

Procedures for identifying a tail-to-head relationship:

  1. Examine a passage of scriptures to determine if it has a tail-to-head relationship.
  2. If it does have a tail-to-head relationship, use this relationship to help you learn that passage easier.

Examine the following passage. Notice how the words to and and helps to link the tail-to-head relationships together:

2 PETER 1:5-7

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Notice how the last key word in the previous line is carried down to the next line until it reaches the last line.

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While not as straightforward, the following passage has somewhat a tail-to-head relationship:


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Notice the tail-to-head relationship:

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Below are some additional examples:

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  • Predestinate - to foreordain by divine decree or purpose.
  • Justify - to declare innocent or guiltless; absolve; acquit.
  • Glorify - to make glorious by bestowing honor, praise, or admiration.

Again, notice the pattern: PREDESTINATE > CALLED (2x) > JUSTIFIED (2x) > GLORIFIED

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MODERN TERMS: Tribute - taxes; Custom - revenue; Fear - respect; Honour - honor


The next example is not as obvious but does have a trace of the tail-to-head relationship if you look closely at the key words:

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Examine the step-like pattern:

Notice the logical progression within this passage: LUST, SIN, and then DEATH.  By using this “tail-to-head” technique, you can link the previous verse to the next verse until you reach the end of the complete passage.