Main Menu > Triangle > Obtuse Triangle
An obtuse triangle is a 2D shape that has ONE ANGLE MORE THAN 90°.
It is helpful to think of an OBTUSE TRIANGLE as a RIGHT TRIANGLE that has been "SLANTED OUTWARD" so that the right angle is changed to be GREATER THAN 90°.
A right triangle is a 2D shape that has ONE RIGHT ANGLE (90°).
If you place an OBTUSE TRIANGLE inside of a box (a square or a rectangle) and then,
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you play the animation above, notice that the size of the box CHANGES to accomodate the size of the obtuse triangle when it is made into a right triangle.
KEY: Since an obtuse triangle can be thought of as HALF of a rectangle or square when placed in a box, instead of having to learn another formula (AreaTriangle= ½(base x height)), treat the base as the width and use the rectangular formula (height x width) instead and then DIVIDE THE RESULT BY TWO to get its area. See STEP-BY-STEP SOLUTION for detail example.
An obtuse triangle with a base of 4 in and a height of 3 in has an area of:
AreaTriangle = (3 in x 4 in)/2 = 12 in/2 = 6 in2