- Greeting & Sayings:
- Adieu – to God (use to express Goodbye or farewell)
- Au revoir – Goodbye or see you later
- Bon appétit – Good appetite (Statement used to say "Enjoy your meal")
- Bon voyage – Good voyage (Statement used to say "Enjoy your trip")
- Bonjour – Good day (Statement you to wish a person a good day)
- Cliché – Negative (A saying that is used to refer to trite and overuse)
- Clique – A small exclusive group of friends
- Déjà vu – Already seen (Refers to situations that seem like they've happened before)
- Décor – Layout and furnishing of a room
- En garde – Take your guard (Said in the sport of fencing)
- Comme ci, comme ça – Like this, like that (Neither good nor bad)
- C'est la vie! – That's life! (Refers to the fact that life can be harsh but must be accepted)
- Je suis enchanté(e) – I am enchanted (to meet you) (A formal greeting on receiving an introduction that is often shortened to simply "enchanté")
- Excusez-moi – Excuse me
- Extraordinaire – Extraordinary
- Et toi? – and you? (Je m'appelle (your name), Et toi ?)(my name is (your name) and yours?)
- J'adore – I adore (love to the full extent)
- Je m'appelle – my name it
- Je ne sais pas – I don't know
- Je t'aime – I love you
- Je suis – I am
- Mademoiselle – My noble young lady (a young unmarried lady, miss)
- Monsieur – A man, a gentleman, Mr. or Sir)
- Mon Dieu! – My God!
- Oui – Yes
- Répondez s'il vous plaît. (RSVP) – If you please or please reply
- S'il vous plaît – If it pleases you or if you please
- Très beau – Very beautiful