from beginner to advanced apps
Why should you take THIS course compared to other courses on the same topic? Because we respect YOUR TIME!
Besides, there is a host of ways to make money with app development:
Below are some links to general information about these tutorials:
Below is a list of tools that can be used. Other than Dreamweaver, all of the tools are open source (FREE):
Below are steps to create a simple mobile app:
Below is a list of resource links for the tutorial:
Tutorial CheatSheet
Images Used In Tutorial (Zip file)
jQuery Framework
(Zip file: may not be latest versions)
Final Project (Zip file)
Preview Final Project
There are six types of a mobile apps that will be created:
These apps are used to learn Android Studio basic concepts:
These apps will take you to the next level of creating apps with Android Studio.
These apps will include some advanced coding in Android Studio:
These apps will use fragments to create apps for multiple screens:
These apps will use data (internal, external, shared preferences, JSON, and PHP/SQLite)
These apps will use various APIs (Maps, Bluetooth, Geolocation, etc.)