using xCode and Swift (iOS)


Why should you take THIS course compared to other courses on the same topic? Because we respect YOUR TIME!

  • We optimized content to avoid rambling.
  • We separated vital few content from the trival many.
  • We simplified content so that it can be easily understood.
  • We provided optional content that can be skipped or done later.
  • We avoid repeating content that has already been discussed.
  • We categorized content from simple to complex.
  • We provided shortcuts to code content.
  • We separated theory from content application wherever possible.
  • Important concepts are highlighted to bring attention to them.
  • We present concepts in a systematic manner from non-technical (e.g., XML) to technical (e.g., Java) to flatten the learning curve and to promote retention.
  • We present generic concepts so that you can apply your own specific content.
  • We use analogies to convey complex concepts so that the can be related to real world objects.
  • To progressively “see” content, we provide Check Points along the way to make is easy to process information without going too long to show results.
  • Lastly, we use humor to make learning concepts a fun-filled and rewarding experience with many promising results.

Besides, there is a host of ways to make money with app development:

  1. Create apps for yourself (e.g., start with a free versions and then monetize pro versions)
  2. Create apps for others (e.g., create pro bono (free) apps to build a portfolio or simple apps for money)
  3. Teach other how to create apps at a local training company or university.
  4. Create online training on how to create apps (e.g.,,,, etc.)
  5. Create advanced apps once you are proficient for small to large companies.

Below are some links to general information about these tutorials:


Below is a list of tools that can be used. Other than Dreamweaver, all of the tools are open source (FREE):

PhoneGap Build status page: ( Check on status of PhoneGap Build service.

Community forum: ( Ask specific questions about PhoneGap Build.

PhoneGap blog: (

Google group: (!forum/phonegap) Forum for asking and answering questions about the PhoneGap. ( Training resources for learning mobile app development:
- Mobile Web Design and Development Fundamentals
- Android Studio Essential Training
- Building Adaptive Android Apps in Fragments
- Android SDK: Local Data Storage
- Building Mobile Apps with Google Maps Android API v2

Net Market Share: ( - review trends for browsers, platforms, etc.

Assets Framework: ( The Section 508 Compliant Responsive Framework for Front-End Development

HTML 5, CSS3 and jQueryMobile Tutorial

Below are steps to create a simple mobile app:

  • jQuery Mobile App (Intro)
    • Themes
    • Site/App Definition
    • Template
    • Home Page
    • First Page
    • Home Button
    • Other Pages
    • Control Group
    • Dialog Boxes
    • Tooltip
    • Fixed Header And Footer
    • Modify Header And Footer
    • Replace Home Page Title With Logo

Resource Links

Below is a list of resource links for the tutorial:

Tutorial CheatSheet
Images Used In Tutorial (Zip file)
jQuery Framework (Zip file: may not be latest versions)
Final Project (Zip file) Preview Final Project

XCode steps goes here...

Mobile App Development

There are six major steps in developing a mobile app:

  1. Prep for IT
  2. Create IT
  3. Test IT
  4. Deploy IT
  5. Market IT
  6. Update IT

Create debug version using various technologies or tools:

iOS Xcode Swift

Test debug version on virtual and real devices using SDKs:

iOS Xcode’s simulator

Market released version on app store:

iOS Apple App Store

1. Prep For App

Before you start, you need to prep for app development:

  • Prep for iOS

2. Create App

The most current techniques to create a mobile app are:

  • Swift with Xcode

3. Test App

It is important to test an app using a various of tools and techniques before publishing it:

  • TEST #1: Test Debug Version with Simulators for iOS*
  • TEST #2: Released Version on Real Devices

*These steps are optional for prototype or simple apps.

4. Deploy App

If you want to, you can deploy an app on one or more app store:

  • Distribution Options:
    • Apple App Store

5. Market App

Once you create, test and deploy an app, you may want to market it for free or for money:

  • App stores
  • Social Media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)
  • Advertisements
  • Third Parties
  • QR codes, etc.

6. Redo (Update) App

If you need to make changes to an app, you will have to:

  • Redo (Update) IT
  • Retest IT
  • Redeploy IT
  • Re-market IT