AngularJS expressions are written with double curly braces: {{expression}} or with the ng-bind directive (ng-bind="expression"). They will render data where the expression is written. Another way of saying this is that the expression will be RESOLVED, and will RETURN a RESULT at the expression location. Unlike JavaScript expressions, Angular expressions:
Tthe following expression will result in: Five plus five is 10 and My name is Cornelius Chopin
<div ng-app="">
<p>Five plus five is: {{ 5 + 5 }}</p>
<p>My name is: {{"Cornelius" + " " + "Chopin"}}</p>
The example below requires you to enter data into an input field and as a result requires the ng-model directive:
<div ng-app="">Expression Demo 2
<p>Enter Your Name: <input type="text" ng-model="name"></p>
In a previous demo under the Directives menu, the ng-bind directive was used instead of an expression ({{name}}) but the result is the same.
<div ng-app="">Directive Demo
<p>Enter Your Name: <input type="text" ng-model="name"></p>
<p ng-bind="name"></p>
NOTE: In the MVC methodology:
TIP: Notice that the ng-model is used to “model” (like a fashion model) the data of the input field.
AngularJS is no different than other JavaScript when it comes to:
Using numbers in AngularJS is no different from any other programming language. In the example below, the result will be: Total: $5.
<div data-ng-app="" data-ng-init="quantity=1; price=5">
<h2>Cost Calculator</h2>
<p>Quantity: <input type="number" ng-model="quantity"></p>
<p>Price: <input type="number" ng-model="price"></p>
<p><strong>Total: $</strong>{{quantity * price}}</p>
NOTE: Notices that two text input fields are bound together with the two ng-model directives. If you did not include the data-ng-init directive, the app would still work but you would see NaN displayed (e.g., Total: $NaN).
Using strings in AngularJS is no different from any other programming language. In the example below, the result will be: Full name: Cornelius Chopin
<div ng-app="" ng-init="firstName='Cornelius'; lastName='Chopin'">
<p>Full name: {{firstName + " " + lastName}}</p>
CAUTION: Notice that the values for the array are in single quotes because double quotes are used to wrap the entire directive.
Expression: String DemoUsing objects in AngularJS is no different from any other programming language. In the example below, the result will be: Last name: Chopin
<div ng-app="" ng-init="person={firstName:'Cornelius',lastName:'Chopin'}">
<p>Last name: {{person.lastName}}</p>
CAUTION: Notice that the values for the person object are in single quotes because double quotes are used to wrap the entire directive.
Expression: Object DemoUsing objects in AngularJS is no different from any other programming language. In the example below, the result will be: Day 2 is Tuesday. Remember an array is zero-based indexed so the index of 1 will return the second value in the array.
<div ng-app="" ng-init="workdays = ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday']">
<p>Day 2 is {{workdays[1]}}</p>
CAUTION: Notice the ng-init value is enclosed is double quotes but the array indexes are enclosed in single quotes.
Expression: Array DemoSince loops and arrays are "kissing cousins", the ng-repeat directive can be used to iterate through an array to dynamically create a list of items in a collection (array):
<div ng-app="" ng-init="workdays = ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday']">
<p>Days of the work week:</p>
<li ng-repeat="days in workdays"> {{days}}</li>
NOTE: The <li> tag is repeated with "days in workdays" for as many time as there are elements in the workdays array--in this case, five times. Where days represents the element that will be resolved in the <li> tag to a day of the week.
Expression: Array and Looping DemoThe ng-repeat directive can also be used to iterate to an array of objects:
<div ng-app="" ng-init="names=[
{firstName:'Cornelius', lastName:'Chopin'},
{firstName:'Sheila', lastName:'Chopin'},
{firstName:'Joshua', lastName:'Chopin'},
{firstName:'Josiah', lastName:'Chopin'},
<p>Family members:</p>
<li ng-repeat="x in names">{{x.firstName + " " + x.lastName}}</li>
NOTE: While using an array or an array of objects is good for prototyping an application, it is best practice to retrieved the data from a database source.
Expression: Array Of Objects DemoExpressions can also be used to change CSS properties values. For example, the code below will allow a user to change the background color to whatever is entered into the input field:
<div ng-app="">
<p>Type in a valid color</p>
<input style="background-color:{{myCol}}" ng-model="myCol">
NOTE: Notice again how the ng-model is used to model the data for the input field. You could set an intial value (e.g. <div ng-app="" ng-init="myCol='red'">. Notice also that the ng-model directive is typically used to model the data for anothher HTML element. However, in this case, it is "modeling" the data for the same HTML element (the <input> element) that it is written in.
<div ng-app="" ng-init="myCol='red'">Expression: CSS Demo
<p>Type in a valid color</p>
<input style="background-color:{{myCol}}" ng-model="myCol">