ASO (App Store Optimization)


With so many apps in the Google Play and other app stores, getting recognized is the biggest obstacle to overcome in order for your app to be downloaded if it is being monetized.

While Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is used for desktop and Sass, it is called App Store Optimization (ASO) for mobile devices.

While there are some similarities between the two, there are some subtle and distinct differences as well. We will discuss:

ASO is the process of improving the visibility (increase ranking) of a mobile app in an app store search results so that it can get more downloads. Searching an app directly on the app store is the NUMBER ONE way users use to find an app they are seeking.

There are many factors that are used to increase your app's ranking:

App Name

App Name - should be concise but descriptive title as possible.


App Description

App Description - Use plain language and place the most important information at the top of the description and don't use a Read More... button.


App Icons and Screenshots

App Icons and Screenshots - make your app's icons and screenshots look attractive so that they can be pick out of a crowd of other apps.

TIPS for Icons:

Distinguish your icon from your competitors. Each icon will be vying for your attention. For example, which icon would you choose below:

TIPS for Screenshots:

Promotional Video

Use promotional video to showcase key functions and features of your app to supplement your screenshots (iOS - max 30 sec and Android - max 2 min).



Keywords used to describe app - research keywords to see which ones is relevant and work best for your app and prioritize them based on the easiest keyword to the hardest. Also use competitors keywords if they are relevant to your app.


Quantity and quality of user's rating - current version rating is more important than previous versions.


Number of downloads your app has - the number of downloads can determine how popular your app is. An app that starts with a lot of downloads initially and remains high will outrank an app that has a few downloads. How long your app is loaded on users computers also is important so you want your app to be very engaging. If your app is uninstalled often, this will affect your rating.

Social Signals and Backlinks

Difference Between Two App Stores

Both Apple and Google treat the following ASO factors the same:

However, there are some ASO factors that are treated differently when it comes to search results:

ASO Factor Apple Google Comments
App keywords Yes No While keywords are important to both stores, Apple has a dedicated keyword field. However, you are limited to 100 character so ensure that every character counts. See tips below.
App descriptions No Yes Since Google does not have a dedicated keyword fields, it is very important to add keywords to the app description. You have up to a 4k characters limit on the description. Use 3-4 naturally flowing keywords in a group to describe your app.
Social Signals/Backlinks No Yes Google uses backlinks and social media (e.g., Google Plus) to influence app ranking.


TIPS for using and creating key words:

App Category

It is important to choose the appropriate categor(ies) for your app so user can find it readily.

Index App with Firebase

Beside having your app show up in the search results in an app store, you can also have it show up in the search results on a desktop or mobile web browser search results. To do this, Google provides a feature called Firebase where you can index your app. Firebase provide the following features:

  1. Go to Google Firebase ( for details.
  2. Associate your app with your web site by updating your app to parse and handle HTTP URLs that match links to your web site.
    • iOS - the app indexing API turns on rich search results by displaying your apps icon next to the content.
    • Android - the API allows your user to see app pages they have visited and suggests it in the results of the Google app.
  3. Test implementation
  4. Monitor app indexing performance in the Google Search Console and implement suggestions.

Deep Linking To Your App

Deep linking is a method that will allow a user to go to a more specific location within a mobile app instead of the home screen (e.g., activity). Deep linking provides a better user experience.

  1. Add the following HTML code to your web site: <link rel="alternate" href="mywebsitelink"> so that the correct URL is used when a user taps on a link on your device.
  2. CHECK POINT: Google will know to go to your app instead of your web site.

There are two types of deep links:

  1. Traditional - directs users to the specific content in your app or mobile website
  2. Deferred - if the app is not installed on a user's device, it will be redirected to the app store to allow the user to download the app and view the specific content

Deep Links work by checking a database for a deep link using a third party SDK when an app is launched for the first time. If it finds the deferred deep link, the original deep link is passed to the app and the correct screen within the app is displayed. There are three popular third party services that you can research to see which one you like to integrate into your app:

  1. Tune (
  2. Branch (
  3. Adjust (

However, you an also create your own. However, you want have to maintain your own server, database, etc.

Smart App Banner

You can create a smart app banner for your website to convince users to open your or install your app if they don't have it. A smart banner appears as a small banner at the top of the screen when a user browse your website from a mobile device. This is helpful to increase downloads from your website to increase your ASO performance.

iOS Smart App Banner

If a user is using Mobile Safari on their mobile device and your app is installed, a banner will be displayed with the OPEN option. If your app is not installed, a banner will appear to VIEW your app in the App Store to download it. To add a smart app banner:

  1. Add the following <meta> tag to your site.

    <meta name="apple-itunes-app"  content="app-id=appStoreID" />

  2. Replace appStoreID with your actually app Store ID. To get your appStoreID, go to the Link Maker website and change the Media Type to iOS Apps.

  3. Enter your app name in the Search field.
  4. In the screen that appears, click your app name
  5. Scroll down to the Direct Link and copy the numbers between the "id" and the "?" in this link and paste it into the meta tag mentioned in the previous step:

    Direct Link

Android Smart App Banner

For Android, there are several options that you can use.

Track ASO Performance

Finally, you can use a variety of tools to track ASO performance (e.g., download, revenue, keyword analysis) that offer free and paid version of their tools.