Redo (Update) App

When an app is updated, its version code has to be changed and re-exported for it to be resubmitted to an app store by incrementing the number. The Version name should also be updated.  To let the end users know what has been changed, it is important to update the Recent Changes field in the app store.

What are some reasons that you may want to update your app:

Version Control

After making changes to your app for the above reasons:

  1. (OPTIONAL) If there is a newer version of Android, go to the Android SDK Manager and install it and then open the Android Manifest.xml file and update one or both of the uses-sdk attributes to newer versions:

    android:minSdkVersion  = “8”
    android:targetSdkVersion = “19” /> 

    NOTE: You could leave the minSdkVersion attribute  the same but you have to change the targetSdkVersion attribute (e.g., from 19 to 20) if a newer version is released.

  2. In the AndroidManifest.xml file, in the manifest tag, you will have to always INCREMENT the android: versionCode (e.g., from 1 to 2).

    NOTE: This versionCode is NOT visible to the user.

  3. In the AndroidManifest.xml file, in the manifest tag, you will have to always INCREMENT the android: versionName (e.g., from 1.0 to 1.1)

    NOTE: This versionNane is visible to the user.