Registration Page Enhancements

Registration Page (Employee Registration)

Validate Form Fields

Anytime you create a registration form, you should validate the form elements using, HTML attributes (e.g. required = "required"), client-side JavaScript, server-side script or a combination of one of more of these. You want to ensure that all critical form elements get a value or that they are the right data type. This is especially true of text input fields.

  1. Add the following highlighted print and PHP conditional statements AFTER the <h2> tag:
    WHY: To check to see if the form has been submitted and if so, check FirstName field to see if it is empty and set a flag.

    <h2 class="ui-body ui-body-a ui-corner-all">EMPLOYEE REGISTRATION</h2>
    print "<p>Register for benefits</p>";
    // Check to see if the form has been submitted:
    if (isset($_POST["Submit"]) )
    $missingField = FALSE; // Set $missingField FLAG to TRUE if "if" statement is TRUE.
    // Check each form variable to see if any one is empty
    if (empty($_POST["FirstName"]) && isset($_POST["FirstName"]))
    $missingField = TRUE;
    print '<p class="error">Please enter your first name!</p>';
    } ?>

  2. CHECK POINT: Save file and preview it in a browser. Click the REGISTER button WITHOUT entering any information into the input fields. You should see the message, "Please enter your first name!":

    NOTE: The red text is the result of the CSS class called .error in the custom_styles.css file.

  3. Add two additional "if" statements below the FIRST nested "if" statement that is similar to the FirstName form field for the LastName and Email fields:

    print "<p>Register for benefits</p>";
    // Check to see if the form has been submitted:
    if (isset($_POST["Submit"]) )
    $missingField = FALSE; // Set $missingField FLAG to TRUE if "if" statement is TRUE.
    // Check each form variable to see if any one is empty
    if (empty($_POST["FirstName"]) && isset($_POST["FirstName"]))
    $missingField = TRUE;
    print '<p class="error">Please enter your first name!</p>';
    if (empty($_POST["LastName"])) { $missingField = TRUE; print '<p class="error">Please enter your last name!</p>'; } if (empty($_POST["Email"])) { $missingField = TRUE; print '<p class="error">Please enter your email!</p>'; }
    } ?>

  4. CHECK POINT: Save the file and test it in a browser. Click the REGISTER button WITHOUT entering any information into the input fields. You should see that all three messages are displayed when the REGISTER button is clicked:

  5. Add the following three additional conditional statements for both of the password input fields and $missingField variable:

    print "<p>Register for benefits</p>";
    // Check to see if the form has been submitted:
    if (isset($_POST["Submit"]) )
    $missingField = FALSE; // Set $missingField FLAG to TRUE if "if" statement is TRUE.
    // Check each form variable to see if any one is empty
    if (empty($_POST["FirstName"]) && isset($_POST["FirstName"]))
    $missingField = TRUE;
    print '<p class="error">Please enter your first name!</p>';
    if (empty($_POST["LastName"])) { $missingField = TRUE; print '<p class="error">Please enter your last name!</p>'; } if (empty($_POST["Email"])) { $missingField = TRUE; print '<p class="error">Please enter your email!</p>'; } if (empty($_POST["Password1"]))
    { $missingField = TRUE; print '<p class="error">Please enter a password!</p>'; }

    if ($_POST["Password1"] != $_POST["Password2"]) { $missingField = TRUE; print '<p class="error">Your password did not match your confirmed password!</p>'; }
    if (!$missingField) { print "<p>You are now registered!<br />Okay, you are not really registered YET...</p>"; // Clear posted values by emptying the $_POST array $_POST = array(); }
    } ?

  6. Comment out the PHP script ABOVE and BELOW the <form> tag with PHP COMMENT tags.
    WHY: To DISABLE the "if" conditional statement.

    <?php /*?><?php    
    if ( empty( $_POST ) )
    { ?> <?php */?>

    <form action="registration_page.php" method="post"> ... ... ... ... </form>
    <?php /*?><?php

    $FirstName = $_POST[ 'FirstName' ];
    $LastName = $_POST[ 'LastName' ];
    $Email = $_POST[ 'Email' ];
    $Password = $_POST[ 'Password1' ];

    $sql = "INSERT INTO passwords ( FirstName, LastName, Email, Password )
    VALUES ( :FirstName, :LastName, :Email, :Password )";

    $query = $pdo_conn->prepare( $sql );
    $result = $query->execute( array( ':FirstName'=>$FirstName, ':LastName'=>$LastName, ':Email'=>$Email, ':Password'=>$Password ) );

    echo ("<p>Thank you. You have been registered.</p>
    <a href='index.php' class='ui-btn ui-icon-user ui-corner-all ui-btn-icon-left ui-btn-inline ui-mini'>Log In</a>");

    echo "<p>Sorry, there has been a problem registering. Please contact admin.</p>";

    ?><?php */?>

  7. CHECK POINT: Save the file and preview it in a browser. Enter two passwords with different values and then click the REGISTER button without entering any information into the other input fields. You should see that all four messages are displayed.

    Now enter values in all of the fields with a pair of matching passwords. You should see the message:

    You are now registered!
    Okay, you are not really registered YET...

  8. CUT the highlighted code from the commented PHP code:

    <?php /*?><?php  

    $FirstName = $_POST[ 'FirstName' ];
    $LastName = $_POST[ 'LastName' ];
    $Email = $_POST[ 'Email' ];
    $Password = $_POST[ 'Password1' ];

    $sql = "INSERT INTO passwords ( FirstName, LastName, Email, Password )
    VALUES ( :FirstName, :LastName, :Email, :Password )";

    $query = $pdo_conn->prepare( $sql );
    $result = $query->execute( array( ':FirstName'=>$FirstName, ':LastName'=>$LastName, ':Email'=>$Email, ':Password'=>$Password ) );

    echo ("<p>Thank you. You have been registered.</p>
    <a href='index.php' class='ui-btn ui-icon-user ui-corner-all ui-btn-icon-left ui-btn-inline ui-mini'>Log In</a>");

    echo "<p>Sorry, there has been a problem registering. Please contact admin.</p>";

    ?><?php */?>

  9. PASTE the copied code below the $_POST = array(); statement and then comment out the THREE lines ABOVE it.

    if (!$missingField) 
    // print "<p>You are now registered!<br />Okay, you are not really registered YET...</p>";
    // Clear posted values by emptying the $_POST array
    // $_POST = array();

    $FirstName = $_POST[ 'FirstName' ];
    $LastName = $_POST[ 'LastName' ];
    $Email = $_POST[ 'Email' ];
    $Password = $_POST[ 'password1' ];

    $sql = "INSERT INTO passwords ( FirstName, LastName, Email, Password )
    VALUES ( :FirstName, :LastName, :Email, :Password )";

    $query = $pdo_conn->prepare( $sql );
    $result = $query->execute( array( ':FirstName'=>$FirstName, ':LastName'=>$LastName, ':Email'=>$Email, ':Password'=>$Password ) );

    echo ("<p>Thank you. You have been registered.</p>
    <a href='index.php' class='ui-btn ui-icon-user ui-corner-all ui-btn-icon-left ui-btn-inline ui-mini'>Log In</a><br/><br/>");

    echo "<p>Sorry, there has been a problem registering. Please contact admin.</p>";


  10. DELETE the remainder of the PHP code that was cut:

    <?php /*?><?php     
    ... ... }
    ?><?php */?>

  11. DELETE the remainder of the PHP code ABOVE the opening <form> tag:

    <?php /*?><?php           
    if ( empty( $_POST ) )
    { ?> <?php */?>

    <form action="registration_page.php" method="post">

  12. CHECK POINT: Save the file and preview it in a browser. Enter all fields including the two passwords with the SAME values and then click the REGISTER button. You should see the message, "Thank you. You have been registered." displayed.

Create Sticky Form

A Sticky Form is a form that remembers the values that were entered into it if the form is not submitted correctly so that a user does not have to re-enter those values. The syntax for a form variable to be sticky is:

<input type="text" name="FirstName" size="20" value="<?php if (isset($_POST["FirstName"])) {print htmlspecialchars($_POST["FirstName"]); } ?>"

The value attribute of a form variable is set to a PHP script that check to see if the variable is set and if so it will display the result in the form element after parsing it with the htmlspecialchars() method. The htmlspecialchars method converts certain HTML tags into entities (e.g., <h1> entity is &lt;h1&gt;) to avoid problems if a user enters HTML tags into a form field.

  1. Add the following highlighted PHP scripts to the first three form elements (e.g., FirstName, LastName, and Email) within the form <input> tags as value attributes with dynamic PHP scripts as their values.

    <form action="registration_page.php" method="post">
    <label for="FirstName">First Name:</label>
    <input name="FirstName" type="text" value =
    "<?php if (isset($_POST["FirstName"])) {print htmlspecialchars($_POST["FirstName"]);} ?>" size="20" data-mini="true"/>
    <label for="LastName">Last Name:</label>
    <input name="LastName" type="text" value = "<?php if (isset($_POST["LastName"])) {print htmlspecialchars($_POST["LastName"]);} ?>" size="20" data-mini="true"/>
    <label for="Email">Email Address:</label>
    <input name="Email" type="text" value = "<?php if (isset($_POST["Email"])) {print htmlspecialchars($_POST["Email"]);} ?>" size="20" data-mini="true" />
    <label for="Password1">Password:</label>
    <input type="password" required="required" name="Password1" size="20"data-mini="true"/>
    <label for="Password2">Re-enter Password:</label>
    <input type="password" required="required" name="Password2" size="20"data-mini="true"/>
    <p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="REGISTER" data-inline="true" data-mini="true"/></p>

  2. CHECK POINT: Save the file and preview it in a browser. You should see the same registration form as before. However, if you look at the form in Design view in Dreamweaver, you will see the PHP script inside of the first three form elements.

    Also, if you enter some data into the text fields and then click the REGISTER button, the data will STICK to its original values.

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Add Send Confirmation Email


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Check for Unique Username and Email


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