Currently, you have to press the ENTER key to invoke the search. While this work, it may not be obvious to some users that they need to press the ENTER key to obtain a search. In this section, we will add a button to make it more obvious that you need to click the Search button to invoke the search.
Need to complete
If you know that you may have more records from the database that will fit within the viewing area of the page or device (e.g., smart phone), you may want to implement a paging navigational scheme. To limit the number of records returned from the database, you can use the LIMIT keyword in an SQL statement and then build a navigational scheme to "fetch" additional records from the database as needed. The navigational scheme will also be used to move back and forth to "flip through" the "pages" or records.
Selecting a Subset of Records
The LIMIT keyword is used with two numbers separated by a comma. The first is used to set which record to start from. The second is used to set the maximum number of records to retrieve from the database. For example, LIMIT 0, 11 will return the first 10 records from the database -- zero up to 10 but not including 11. Remember, like array, SQL count start with zero. To return the next ten records, the LIMIT statement would need to read LIMIT 11,11
"SELECT * FROM employees LIMIT 0,11"
require ("db.php"); define("ROW_PER_PAGE",2);
- The define("ROW_PER_PAGE",2); statement is a CONSTANT that is used to set the number of rows per page.
- In our case, it is 2 because we only have a few records in the database. However, you can change this to whatever value you want depending on
the size of your data.
<!-- SQL SELECT QUERY ------------------------------------------- -->
$row_count = $pagination_statement->rowCount();
$search_keyword = '';
if(!empty($_POST['search']['keyword'])) {
$search_keyword = $_POST['search']['keyword'];
$sql = "SELECT ID, CONCAT(FirstName, ' ' , LastName) AS FullName, Department, Image, Department FROM employees
WHERE FirstName LIKE :keyword OR LastName LIKE :keyword OR Department LIKE :keyword ORDER BY FullName ASC";
/* Pagination Code starts here */
$per_page_html = '';
$page = 1;
if(!empty($_POST["page"])) {
$page = $_POST["page"];
$start=($page-1) * ROW_PER_PAGE;
$limit=" limit " . $start . "," . ROW_PER_PAGE;
$pagination_statement = $pdo_conn->prepare($sql);
$pagination_statement->bindValue(':keyword', '%' . $search_keyword . '%', PDO::PARAM_STR);
$per_page_html .= "<div style='text-align:center;margin:20px 0px;'>";
if($page_count>1) {
$per_page_html .= '<input type="submit" name="page" value="' . $i . '" class="btn-page current" data-inline = "true" data-mini="true"/>';
} else {
$per_page_html .= '<input type="submit" name="page" value="' . $i . '" class="btn-page" data-inline = "true" data-mini="true"/>';
$per_page_html .= "</div>";
$query = $sql.$limit;
/* Pagination Code end here */
$pdo_statement = $pdo_conn->prepare($query);
$pdo_statement->bindValue(':keyword', '%' . $search_keyword . '%', PDO::PARAM_STR);
$result = $pdo_statement->fetchAll();
- This code is used to determine how many pagination buttons to create.
$query = $sql.$limit;
/* Pagination Code end here */
$pdo_statement = $pdo_conn->prepare($query);
<input type='search' name='search[keyword]' value="<?php echo $search_keyword; ?>"
id='keyword' maxlength='25' placeholder="Enter a search word and press ENTER key">
<?php echo $per_page_html; ?>
$per_page_html .= '<input type="submit" name="page" value="' . $i . '" class="btn-page current" data-inline = "true" data-mini ="true" style="background-color:red"/>';
add code here later
To create a more advanced pagination, particularly for large content, you can also add previous/next and first/last links or buttons to the navigation scheme.
Need to complete