Basic Widgets

We have already seen how to add some basic widgets like the Menu and Thumbnail Slideshow widgets. Now let’s add some additional ones.

Add Form Widget

With the form widget, you have a blue icon for EACH form control including the form element itself. All you have to do is click on the form or form element first.

Also, when working with a form it is common practice to include a CAPTCHA feature as part of your form so that your site does not get SPAMMED. Muse provides two types of CAPTCHA:

Form widget has multiple blue icon properties and different states from a regular button. Click on a form field and then open the States panel, you will see these options:

Also, if you click on the invisible message form field that is below the Submit button and then open the States panel, you will see these options:

  1. Open a page where you want to add a Contact Form widget on.

    TIP: If you have over the state option in the States panel, you will see a tool tip giving you information about that state.
    Typically, a contact form is added to the Contact Me or Contact Us page.

  2. From the Widgets Library's Form folder, drag-and-drop a a Detail Contact or Simple Contact widget to your page.
  3. In the Options panel, add or remove whatever form elements you want and make any other changes you see fit.
  4. (Optional) You can style the widget as you set fit (See Style Widgets for details).

CAUTION: To edit the form builder success message, notice that there is an invisible text box at the bottom of a form,

Other Widgets

There are other basic widgets that we have not discussed that you can take advantage of. They are self-explanatory and follows the same rules for modifying and styling them. Some of the include: