Before Project Recording


◻ BEFORE recording video, set your DESKTOP RESOLUTION to TWICE the SIZE (e.g., 3840 x 2160 – UHDTV, which is four times the pixels of HD) you want the final video (e.g., 1920 x 1080 – Full HD) so that you can zoom in on any part of the video after it has been recording without distorting it.

NOTE: Both UHDTV and HD have an aspect ratio of 16:9.

Rule of Thumb: Record, Edit, and Produce (REAP) at the SAME DIMENSION (e.g., 1080 x 1920) if you do NOT need to change the dimension. If you must change the dimension, change it from a larger dimension (e.g., 1080) to a smaller dimension (e.g., 720) but do not go the other way (720 to 1080) because the video will be distorted.

◻ BEFORE recording video, open that application(s) that you want to use (e.g., Photoshop, etc.) and do SEVERAL dry runs of what you want to record. Pay attention to where menu items are in the drop-down list, file locations, etc. This step will ensure that you are not fumbling to find items (e.g., menu, etc.) when you do the ACTUAL recording and will help to avoid unnecessary editing.
◻ BEFORE starting the Recorder, set the dimension (e.g., Full Screen), webcam, system audio, and audio (if you are doing audio and video together); otherwise, turn off what you do not need.

NOTE: You may need to turn off the webcam if you will use it for the intro and outro and not the main video.

◻ If your video is long, it may be best to break your voice-over into smaller manageable chunks instead of one long audio. This process is beneficial when you want to add B-rolls to your video.

NOTE: You can also use TechSmith Audiate. However, this is a paid subscription service after a seven-day trial.

◻ Move the mouse over the webcam preview BEFORE you start so that you can check your sitting position and background because the webcam will not be visible during recording.

PRO TIP: Ensure the camera is at the same level as your head to avoid perspective distortion and unnecessary shadows in your face.


◻ Write a script to avoid:

NOTE: Each page of a script is roughly 1 minute. So, if you have five pages, the video will be around 5 minutes.

◻ PRO TIP: Do a 5-10 second recording without speaking and then listen to it through a headset to see if there are any ambient noises (e.g., fans, lights, A/C, etc.) that you need to get rid of.

◻ After recording voice-over, use Audacity or Abode Audition to remove any mistakes. Set the following options before clicking the Record button for your voice-over narration:

  • In Audition, go to …
  • ◻ Once you click the Record button, if you make a mistake EARLY in the recording, it may be easier to delete the recording and start over. If you make a mistake LATER in the recording, stop speaking for a second or two, clap twice, gather your thoughts, and start over at the beginning of the last sentence completed. Delete any mistakes after you have finished recording that portion of the audio.

    NOTE: In Audacity, you can click the P key to pause and start recording again.

    ◻ Use a USB microphone (e.g., Blue Yeti, AT2020USB, or Jabra Evolve) instead of a built-in computer mic that is not very good.

    During Project Recording


    ◻ Open Camtasia and then:


    ◻ Speak at a normal rate so that any auto-capture program will be better able to caption your voice-over.

    After Project Recording


    ◻ Add necessary items below but avoid overdoing it so that it becomes a distraction instead of an enhancement to your video:

    ◻ Get feedback from others before you publish your video to the world.


    ◻ If necessary, BEFORE doing an edit, open the Audio Effect Panel (press D key) and then drag-and-drop the Noise Removal Effect to the audio track. If you have already made an edit, right-click on the audio track and select All Media on Track and then apply the Noise Removal Effect.

    ◻ Add Emphasize Effect to Screencast video if there is background music.

    ◻ Add Fade In and Fade Out Effect to the start and end of background music.


    To create a thumbnail that can be used on YouTube and in some type of advertisement, do the following:

    1. Scrub the CTI to find a singe frame in the video that represent what you want to use in your thumbnail.
    2. Select that frame and select Export > Export Frame As... (CMD/CTRL+F), give it a name and then click the Save button.
    3. Create a new project and import the image and add additional text, images, callouts, etc. to make the thumbnail "eye-catching."
    4. Export as a Frame again to an image file and upload to YouTube, etc.