Pan And Zoom

To create a nice Zoom and Freeze effect: (VERIFY STEPS LATER)

  1. Move the play head to where you want the Zoom to occur (e.g., a menu drop-down).
  2. Click the Animations tab, drag-and-drop a Scale up or Scale Down animation effect to the timeline to create a zoom.
  3. In the Properties panel, adjust the scale of the clip where you want the zoom to take place and move it into place as needed.
  4. CHECK POINT: Click the Play button. You should see the Zoom happens but it will then soon disappears from the screen. We want to keep (or freeze) the zoom on the screen to be able to talk about that area of the screen. We will do this in the next step.
  5. Drag the play head to the place on the timeline where the zoom occurs and then click on the timeline and select Extend frame and enter a longer than expected narration value (e.g., 30 sec). NOTE: We will delete the excess later.
  6. CHECK POINT: Click the Play button. You should see that the zoom effect stays on the screen for the duration you set in the previous step.
  7. (OPTIONAL) Click Annotation and select Blur & Highlight and then drag and drop the spot-light to the timeline and position it over the zoom effect. Adjust the size of the spot light effect on the canvas as needed.
  8. (OPTIONAL) Click the Transition and drag and drop a Fade transition onto the Blur & Highlight clip.
  9. CHECK POINT: Click the Play button. You should see that the zoom effect stays on the screen for the duration you set in the previous steps; however, this time it gets highlighted.
  10. Click the Animation option
  11. Click the Animation tab (not the Zoom and Pan Tab)
  12. Drag another custom animation to the timeline
  13. In the Properties panel, adjust the scale of the clip to 100% to return it to normal size and move it into place as needed.
  14. To remove any extra freeze frame, look for the stitch line in the track and move the playback head to it. Then, click the Split Track. Then, move the play head again after the second animation icon and select Split Track again. NOTE: This will split the track into three pieces. Right-click on the middle piece of the tract and select Ripple Delete (or press CTRL + DELETE) to delete it and stitch the other two back.
  15. CHECK POINT: Click the Play button. You should see that the zoom effect work better now.

Pan and Zoom Notes