Now you can apply an effect (e.g., Colorize) to a group, and you can resize a group as a whole. Moreover, when you save an asset as a Library item, you will be given a choice to save it to the size of the asset or the canvas size.
Start by selecting the asset you want to group and then press CMD/CTRL + G to group them.
Drag-and-drop one or more effects to the group on the Timeline to see that they get applied to the whole group.
The group size is the size of all the assets in the group. If you hold down the ALT/OPTION key and drag a handle, you will crop the group. You can also right-click on the group and select Resize Group > To canvas, To Visible Size, or Custom Size
If you click on a clip and select Add to Library, you will be given two options: Use Canvas Size or Use Visible Size.
PRO TIP: You can now select layers and make them a group. If you double-click on the group in the Timeline, it will open in its OWN tab. This step is called composition or symbol in many applications.
PRO TIP: If you create a group, you now have access to Quick Properties in the Properties panel, just like the built-in assets that come with Camtasia. You can also edit the labels for each property by clicking on the Edit button.