You can create an intro and add it to the library so that you can share it across multiple projects.
The Library panel is available to all projects but the Media Bin is available for the current project and will be empty when you create a new project.
Library can contains video, audio, lower thirds, and intro clips.
You can drag a library asset to EITHER the timeline or to the canvas and change their properties EITHER on the canvas or in the Properties panel.
In the Library, you can double-click an item to preview it before you use it.
TIP: You can create a reusable library asset by:
Create an asset (e.g., lower third).
If necessary, select all the clips that makes up that asset and group them (CMD/CTRL + G), then right-click the group and Select Rename Group to rename it.
Right-click on the asset and select Add to Library.
You can change any aspect of the asset by double-clicking on the group.
Lower Thirds
• PRO TIP: A Lower Third is typically position, well, at the lower third of the screen; however, you can position wherever you like.
• PRO TIP: A Lower Third is typically used to show a name/title of a person. However, you can also use it to show ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (e.g., keystrokes, instruction, links, etc.).