Prep For Recording

Camtasia Screen Recording Tips

Complete video may have one to four parts:

  1. Title Screen (Text and Text Effect)
  2. Intro (Webcam)
  3. Main Video (Video, Annotations, etc.)
  4. Outro (Webcam)

PRO TIP: Right-click on the Intro and paste it as the outro at the end of the video, and change what you need so that the Intro and outro will be consistent.
When writing a script, do the following:

Below are some steps that you can take BEFORE you start recording:

Create a Script

It is important to create a script so that you don't waste time fumbling over what you need to say which can frustrate a user and it will allow you to condense your conversation.

Prep for Audio

Create a StoryBoard

A storyboard is a tool that can be used to plan each video scene and what they will look like to see how the video flows before it is created. it can include:

Sound Environment

If you don't have a sound booth, you have to do as much as possible to reduce that amount of noise that may be captured in your video:
TIP: If you can hear it, it is a good chance that your microphone will pick it up. Also, capture about 15-30 seconds of recording without narrating, to see what noises are being picked up by the microphone.


Browser / App

Outside of Camtasia

Inside of Camtasia