There are several basic editing techniques. After selecting a portion of a clip or with the CTI at a given point:
TRIM – is used to SHOW or HIDE either end of a clip non-destructively. HOW: To trim a clip:
Drag either edge of a media clip to CROP it without deleting it so that you can restore it at any time.
If you need to add more footage back, select the edge of a clip and pull out what is needed. You can trim multiple clips at the same time by selecting more than one clip.
CUT - is used to REMOVE a mistake or unwanted section of a video on the timeline. HOW: To cut a clip:
Drag the red or green handle on the CTI to select the area to remove.
Click Cut (the scissor icon) and move all media to the left to FILL THE SPACE of the deleted content. NOTE: A stitched line appears, showing you where the cut was made. If you make a selection and want to bring the CTI back together, double click the CTI. Cutting a clip will:
DELETE the selection
CLOSE the gap made by the selection
STITCH the two clips together
DELETE - is used to REPLACE a mistake by removing the selection and LEAVE A SPACE on the Timeline for a NEW CLIP, for a new recording or to allow room to extend an existing clip (See Extend Frame Below) HOW: To delete a portion of a clip:
Make a selection with the CTI.
Press the Delete key.
SPLIT - is used to MOVE a clip to ADD a media to the timeline when there is no space HOW: To split a clip:
Place the CTI where you want the split to occur without a selection
Press the Split button or press S on Windows or CMD + T on the Mac. NOTE: To split media on all unlocked tracks, place the CTI where you want the split to occur and then click the CTI and drag it to the right to SPLIT and MOVE all the unlocked tracks. This process is called a RIPPLE SPLIT. Ripple Split is useful when you want to add content to the MIDDLE of a video or if you want to add an intro at the BEGINNING of a video.
Move the clip to CREATE SPACE where you need to for new content.
Advanced Editing Techniques
Any time you see the word RIPPLE, more than one track is involved in the operation.
RIPPLE SPLIT – is used to split all unlocked tracks and move them at the same time. HOW: To do a Ripple Split:
With the CTI, where you want to split the unlocked clip(s), hold down the SHIFT key.
Drag CTI to the right to SPLIT and MOVE the other clips to make space for a new clip or to extend the frame. BIG TIMESAVER: Is used to insert content in the middle of a video or if you want to add an intro. Notice that with this technique, you are SPLITTING and MOVING media content with ONE step.
RIPPLE MOVE – Is similar to Ripple Split but you are not splitting clips--just moving them. You could select all media clips and then move them all to the right. However, there is an easy approach:\ HOW: To do a ripple move:
Click one or more clips that you would like to move.
Hold down SHIFT on Windows or CMD on the Mac
Drag ONE OR MORE tracks to the right of all the clips on the SAME TRACK at the SAME TIME, even to a new track. BIG TIMESAVER: Like Ripple Delete, This is a big timesaver when you have a very large timeline to contend with. Notice that you use the SHIFT key on both the Ripple Split and the Ripple Move.
RIPPLE DELETE – When you perform a Ripple Delete, the two media are AUTOMATICALLY STITCHED together. HOW: To do a ripple delete:
Select multiple clips.
Right-click and select Ripple Delete or press CTRL + DELETE.
There is a host of other RIPPLE functions that can be done. They work best if you have the magnetic track feature turned on. Below is a list:
RIPPLEINSERT – allows a clip to be INSERTED BETWEEN other clips without creating a gap for it first.
RIPPLEMOVE – allows a clip to be MOVED to another place on the same or another track without moving the other clips.
RIPPLETRIM – allows a clip to be TRIMMED at the front or back of a clip without leaving a gap.
STITCH MEDIA – used to stitch the SAME PIECE OF MEDIA so that they can be modified (e.g., selected, move, or edited) together.
HOW: To stitch the media:
Ensure that the two media are touching and select them.
Right-click and select Stitch Selected Media from the menu or press CTRL + ALT + I in Windows or ____________ on the Mac. NOTE: Stitched media SHARE the same visual properties (position, opacity, zoom, rotation, scale) and any animation or effect will span both clips. This is important to note because you cannot apply an animation or effect to two clips that are not stitched.
TIP: To stitch a still frame to the end of a clip, first split the clips, drag one end down the timeline and then ALT + Click the end of the clip to extend it. This is helpful when you want to extend the length of time for a frame to appear in the scene. (VERIFY)
TIP: An easy way to stitch media is to select a portion of a clip and press Cut to cut the selection. This will automatically stitch the two media together.
To UNSTITCH a pair of media clips (e.g., to edit them separated), right-click on the Stitch and select Unstitch from the menu or press CMD + T (Mac) or S (PC).
TIP: Stitched clips allow you the pre-cut and post-cut to function as a single clip so that you can span an animation across the stitch or apply a special effect (fx) across the stitch.
TIP: You can STITCH both audio and video clips together if they are touching. You cannot stitch images; however, you can group them together like you do in most programs. You can also unstitch two clips by hovering over the stitch and selecting unstitch.
You can STITCH two clips created from the same media (because of a split) by selecting the two clips and right-click and choosing Stitch Selected Media. Then, you can move or edit (e.g., add animation) the stitched clips as one clip. You can also AUTOMATICALLY stitch two media together by selecting part of a media and then do a CUT (Not a Split). Stitched clips share the same visual properties, so any animations and effects will span both clips, which is impossible if the clips were not stitched together.
CLIP SPEED – Some actions (e.g., progress bar) does not need to be seen in REAL TIME so you can speed them up. Since the clip speed effect is applied to an entire clip, you may need to:
Split a media into three pieces.
Add the clip speed effect to the middle clip to speed up an animation. EXAMPLE: A classic example of this is when you are need to upload or download a file from the internet and want to speed up the progress bar that is showing.
You may want to delete the audio portion of the clip as well.
Open the effect tray at the bottom of the clip and adjust the speed by changing its size by dragging it in to speed it up or drag it out to slow it down. You can also use the Properties panel to change the clip speed.
Move the rest of the tracks to close the gap.
EXTEND FRAME – is used to REPEAT A FRAME at the end of the clip to make it display longer. You can extend a frame to allow more time to explain a concept to match the voice-over. Extend frame is freezing a SINGLE FRAME in a media clip by “extending” it for a specific duration either anywhere in the middle of the clip or at the end of the clip. Extend frame duplicates a frame of a clip, so that extend longer along the Timeline. This process is helpful when you want to add a brief pause to allow more time for a narration that needs to match the video. A stitch will be visible where the original clip ends and the extended frame begins. You can extend a video frame by taking one frame from a video and making it an image to extend its on-screen time. This is useful to:
Cover mistakes
Fill timeline gaps CAUTION: Do not use Extend Frame if there is a cursor movement at the end of the clip. While the cursor will move in Camtasia, the mouse will disappear when the video is exported because the extended frame was added. To fix this problem of the disappearing cursor, instead of extending the frame, do the following:
Move the CTI to the place where you want the frame to freeze.
Right-click the CTI play head and select Add Exported Frame. NOTE: This will save an image to the computer, add it to the Media Bin and the Timeline. Note also that the image will INCLUDE the cursor.
HOW: To extend a frame (or freeze it for a time):
Place the playback where you want to extend the clip and split the clip there. (S)
Move the clip to create a space where you want to extend the frame. CAUTION: Do not make it too long, or it will appear that the screen is frozen if there were a lot of movement. See editing techniques for details.
Place the CTI at the end of the clip, and then right-click and select Extend Frame... from the menu or press SHIFT + E. Change the default 1-second duration if you need to drag the edge of the clip on the Timeline.
Add the number of seconds you want to extend. You can also extend a frame by holding down the OPTION key (Mac) or ALT key (PC) and drag from the end of a clip. The ALT/OPTION only works is you are extending any one of the edges of a clip. To extend a clip in the middle, first split the clip and then extend its edge. You may need to do two extend frame of the split clip.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is best to do a SPLIT before extending a frame (freeze frame) if you have multiple tracks. Otherwise, you may get your video out of sync with the other tracks.
PRO TIP: You do not have to do a cut to extend the frames. If you press the SHIFT + E key, it will automatically split the clip and open the Extend the frame dialog box.
CROP – is used to DISCARD a portion of a video or image on the canvas (not the timeline). The crop tool can be used to:
Isolate a portion of the screen (e.g., user interface)
Fit a clip with a specific space or frame (e.g., laptop computer)
Show simultaneous actions happening at separate areas of the screen. (e.g., A scale slider animating while the object is being enlarged) PRO TIP: Alternatively, instead of using the Crop tool, you can hold down the OPTION/ALT key and pull on one of the handles to crop an image/video. The advantage of this method is that you do not have to reach for the Crop Tool, and you do not have to remember to click back on the edit mode once the image/video is cropped. CAUTION: The crop tool works for images and videos with non-destructive editing. However, you must be careful when using it with video because you may crop out a portion of the video that you did not intend to crop out. HOW: To crop a clip:
Click the crop button at the top of the screen
Drag the blue border to hide unwanted portions of a clip or video on the canvas (not the timeline)
Click the arrow button to return to the normal editing mode.
Optionally, you can resize the "cropped" image/video to be smaller or larger, if needed.
INSERT TIME - is used to insert a selected amount of time anywhere on the Timeline. Insert time is valuable when you want to move a clip that is above a track into a space that is the same time as the track below. HOW: To insert time:
Make a selection of the amount of time you need with the CTI.
Right-click and select Insert Time from the menu.
Move the track into the gap created by the Insert Time command.
RMCS Summary of Editing Techniques
TRIM if you CAN (shorten a clip on either end)
CUT to REMOVE mistakes (close gap)
DELETE to REPLACE mistakes (create a gap)
SPLIT to MOVE clips (to open gap or move clip)
CROP to DISCARD portion of a clip (hide unwanted area)
EXTEND FRAME to LENGTHEN end of a clip (freeze clip)
Replace Media on Timeline
When you do a Replace you have four options:
Ripple Replace (increase or decrease space on Timeline to replace an asset'
Replace at Start (Replace at start of asset and truncate end of an asset)
Replace at End (Replace at the end of asset and truncate start of the asset
Replace Clip Speed (Adjust the speed to accommodate old clip size)
Shortcut Keys
It's a great idea to remember some vital few editing shortcut keys:
SHIFT + E = Extend frame at CTI
T = Transition at CTI (last selected transition)
S (PC) / CMD +T (Mac) = Split clip at CTI
Space = Pause and Stop playback
Arrow keys = Move CTI along timeline
SHIFT + A = Add animation arrow at CTI
Other Pro Editing Tips
To extend the audio track, lock the video track(s) and then cut the audio track and move it to the right. This process is helpful to add pauses.
Zoom in on audio waveform in the Timeline to perform better cuts (e.g., not inadvertently cutting off the beginning or end of a statement).
If you don't want to delete all tracks, lock the ones you don't want to delete before performing a cut using the CTI.
If you have a gap between media, you can double-click on a media to bring the CTI to its front.
It is important to remember to LOCK the audio track BEFORE you perform the cut command. Otherwise, you may inadvertently cut the audio track.
If you need to show a "flashback," show it is black-and-white to distinguish it from the main video.
You can REPLACE any video or audio on the Timeline with another audio or video in the Media Library by dragging it to a track on the Timeline while maintaining clip attributes (transition, fades, animation, etc.) You have four options to replace.
Click the Delete Unused MediaBEFORE saving the current project as a template.
Turn on the Magnetic Track to remove all existing and future gaps from a track. Moreover, when you drag a clip from the Media Library, you can easily insert it between two other clips.
You can double-click on an audio or video clip in the Media Bin to preview it on Windows. You have to "scrub" the video thumbnail on the Mac but you cannot preview audio (CHECK to see if this is still true)
After cutting a clip, select them and then right-click and select Stitch Selected Media.
Instead of cutting the clip, to get rid of unwanted sounds (hisses, claps, etc.), select the area you want and turn the volume all the way down.
You can select multiple clips and group them together so that they can be moved together. However, you can still edit the individual clips in a group by expanding them.
TIP: To shorten a clip in a group, first increase the size of the complete group and then shorten the desired clip and then resize the complete group again to accommodate all clips. You can even group groups. Look at one of the lower-third examples to see groups.
Reserve special effects (F/X) for the last editing process. If content change so does the effects so you want to do them last.
You can access the project settings by right clicking in the canvas area and selecting Project Settings… from the menu where you can adjust the resolution and the canvas background color.
To adjust the audio level:
Select the media clip and then click the Speaker icon in the Property panel and then adjust the slider to change the gain.
To add an audio point double-click on the audio line or right-click and select Add Audio point from the menu.
To increase the volume in a section of the audio ensure there are four points within the area and then drag the audio line up in between the two middle points.
Use the selection handler to select a region of the audio and then click and drag to adjust the audio line within the selection.
You can copy and paste BOTHeffects and properties to maintain a consistent look and feel to clips. For example, you can copy the shadow property from image and select multiple images and paste the shadow property on them collectively. You can copy the border and shadow effects from one clip and paste it to multiple clips collectively. NOTE:SHADOW can be either a property or an effect depending how it is applied.
You can remove a varies of things ALL at one time. Click a clip and select:
All animation
All effects
All audio points
All transitions
NOTE: This technique does not work on groups
It is best to use the Arrange options than to drag a clip up and down a track because you may inadvertently offset the clip which can cause a timing problem. If the object is not visible on the canvas, select it in the timeline and then click on one of the handles and select Arrange option (e.g., back, backward).
Unlike an animation, an effect (e.g., drop shadow, border, colorize/adjustment/remove, clip speed, or interactive hotspot) is added to the entire media clip,
If you don’t do your voiceover at the same time as your video, you can do it after-the-fact by using the Voice Narration feature:
Select your mic from the drop-down list
Talk and then click the Auto Leveling button.
Copy your script into the Voice Narration text area OR click the Start Voice Recording button. Then save the file, import it and add it to the timeline.
If you have a voiceover mistake, you can redo it on a separate track and then splice it into the original track by splitting it and delete the mistake (don’t do a Ripple delete since you typically want to INSERT the correction into the same or similar space on the timeline.
If you update an asset outside of Camtasia, you will need to right-click (PC) or Control-click (Mac) on the media in the Media Bin and select Update Media… and then navigate to the updated asset and then click the Select button to update the media in the Media Bin and throughout your project.
To zoom on the CANVAS, like a web browser, hold down the CTRL key and the plus (+) or minus (-) key. To zoom the TIMELINE, add the SHIFT key to this procedure.
To add a title slide in the middle of a clip, do the following
Select all the tracks and split them.
Press the SHIFT key and select the clips to the right and move them so that you can insert a callout.
Add a text callout between the split and adjust text and color to match your theme.
Optionally, add a behavior to the callout by dragging one to it.
Drag a transition to the middle of the callout so that it can be applied to both sides.
Make any adjustments that you need to the callout, behavior, or transition.
Other timeline zooms are done but adding the numbers 7-9:
Zoom to Fit: CTRL + SHIFT + 7
Zoom in on a timeline selection: CTRL + SHIFT + 8
Maximum zoom: CTRL + SHIFT + 9
You can use the scrubber in the canvas area to navigate through the timeline readily. This is a big timesaver when the timeline is very long.
You can also navigate the timeline either frame-by-frame or media-by-media. The keyboard for the previous frame is commas (,) and the next frame is a period (.). The media-by-media works with both audio and video clips.
The keyboard shortcuts for the previous media is CTRL + ALT + COMMA and for the next media it is CTRL + ALT + PERIOD.
On the Mac, you can swipe left or right with the mouse or trackpad to move the timeline left or right. In Windows, you have to hold down the SHIFT key and scroll the scroll wheel up or down to go left or right.
If you hold down the ALT key and then press the rigth of left arrow, you can select ALL of the clips to the right and left, respectively. If you hold down the SHIFT key and the click and drag the first clip in a series of clips to the right, all of the clips will move even though they are not selected. Remember, this is called Ripple Move and is a big timesaver.
If you have a section this is complete, you can select all of the clips in the section and group them by selecting CTRL + G or right-click and select Group. All of the clips will behave as a SINGLE units. Click the plus sign (+) to open it. You can also have a grouip in a group. Press CTRL + U to ungroup. Groups are also useful when you want to apply a property to multiple element at the same time.
If you make a selection across the audio and video track but just want to delete the video track, first lock the audio track, make a selection and then delete it.
While you cannot extend an audio clip, you can split it and then move the audio clip to the place you need to. This is a big timesaver instead of adding silent to the end of the audio track. You could also trim where there is a gap was created.
The Media Bin houses LOCAL content for a given project; whereas, the Library houses GLOBAL content that can be used in ANY project.
You are not limited by importing content from your computer into the Library, you can bring in content from the timeline:
drag and drop an audio clip so that it can be used by any project by right-clicking it and selecting Add to Library or press CTRL + SHIFT + A.
select multiple clips on different tracks including audio and select Add Timeline selection to Library.
While you can change the x and y positions on the canvas and in the Properties panel, but you can only change the z position in the Properties panel. It is important to know that the z property does not affect the order the object appear on the canvas. Likewise, you can change the x rotation on the canvas by selecting the green dot and in the Properties panel, but you can only change the x and y properties in the Properties panel. Y will spin horizontally and X will spin vertically.
End Of Editing
Below are some steps that you can take AT THE END of the editing:
For further emphasis, add an arrow to point to something, especially if it is small, on the screen. You can also animate that arrow by rotating it and if you have multiple items that you want to highlight, you can move the arrow to each item. You can also add text to the arrow if you need to explain something.
An animation can be used to zoom, pan or speed up a clip
You can take a screen shot and then crop the screen shot over a track and animate it by zooming in and fading the background if you don’t what to zoom the ENTIRE screen.
If you are continuing to another training video make a statement to that end (e.g., … this will be shown in the next video…)
Be sure to add a closing statement and encourage student to rate your training (e.g., we have learned… This is Cornelius Chopin and this has been How to Create…) Thanks for watching. Go forth and practice what you have learned. If you can spare a few minutes, please provide feedback.
It is important to add B-roll and slides, where appropriate, to your video so that it will not be boring.
You can create a flipped classroom by providing resources from the following web sites: